Welcome to the
"Natural Cancer Healing Lifestyle"
Extensive Research shows that the best way to fight, manage or beat cancer is by having a comprehensive "Natural Cancer Healing Lifestyle" Program.
Hello to all my friends around the world, this is Dave – the Cancer Buddy (and my amazing daughter Jacqui 🙂 wishing you all the very best and hoping your day is filled with happiness, joy, fun and laughter as well as lots of love, caring and healing.
Here are a few mind blowing quotes I would like you to ponder as an introduction to this post.
Geneva, Switzerland, 12 September 2018 – The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) today released the latest estimates on the global burden of cancer for 2018.
Global Cancer Burden
The global cancer burden is estimated to have risen to 18.078 million new cases and 9.555 million deaths in 2018. One in 5 men and one in 6 women worldwide develop cancer during their lifetime, and one in 8 men and one in 11 women die from the
To put this into context - There are 49,530 new cases of cancer every day globally and 26,178 DEATHS EVERY day !
In America 1 in every 2 men and 1 in every 3 women will get cancer.
Global Healthcare expenditure is rocketing to a new all time high of $8.7 trillion in 2020 and the overall Global prescription Drug spending at it highest ever at $1.4 trillion in 2020. We also see a similar trend in the cancer disease business. Prices that no
one can afford with huge profits for both the pharmaceutical companies and the cancer related companies resulting in more and more people getting sick..
LONDON, Nov. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --
• The global cancer therapeutics market should reach $172.6 billion by 2022 from $121 billion in 2017 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.4%, from 2017 to 2022.
Here is an amazing quote which explains why the pharmaceutical industry and all involved in the "cancer disease business" will NEVER admit that there are already numerous ways of healing cancer. (Later in this series I will be covering some emerging healing therapies.) Register below to make sure you get every post in this series).
Kevin M. Murphy and Robert H. Topel, two University of Chicago researchers, estimate that even modest advancements against major diseases would have a significant impact - a 1 percent reduction in mortality from cancer has a value to Americans of nearly $500 billion. A cure for cancer would be worth about $50 trillion
Introduction to the Series !
Due to the massive amount of "fake news" and misleading and misinformation, and "downright lies" about the cancer industry, and the "cancer disease business" ( a
multi-billion business focusing on "profit over people") and the ruthless control the Pharmaceutical industry has on ineffective, toxic, expensive conventional cancer treatments with horrendous side effects, it is important for everyone with any type or stage of cancer to "Take Control of their own Health and Wellness and to develop a personalised "Natural Cancer Healing Program".
HOWEVER - there are always 2 sides to every story and i am not asking you to believe me but i suggest you do your own research and "due diligence" before making any decisions. I will include references at the end of every post.
I am just the MESSENGER highlighting and making you aware of some things that you wont hear anywhere else, that might have a significant effect on your life. It is always better to be knowledgeable and aware and have options when it comes to a devastating disease like cancer where there is so much mis-information, that might be life threatening if you make the wrong choices. It's your decision !
Why this Series ?
This comprehensive "SERIES" of posts focuses on ALL aspects of the "cancer disease business" a multi-billion $ business, and is the result of my own experience of naturally beating stage 4 metastasized cancer and many years of research and analyzing hundreds of cancer research documents, lab work and case studies from leading edge professional and highly credible Professors, Doctors, Healthcare Practitioners, Integrated Oncologists, Survivors, Therapists, Nutritionists, Energy and transformational healers and Cancer Researchers.
The "Series" also includes my unique step-by-step guide to assist you to personalize a "Natural Cancer Healing Program".
Question: What IF everything we know about Cancer is WRONG ?
The Purpose of this Series !
Today I am VERY excited to be launching and sharing the first post in my free “Natural Cancer Healing” Lifestyle Series, with you. I have been busy researching this information for a number of years. It actually all started many years ago when I made a promise to my wife on her deathbed from liver cancer (highly aggressive, debilitating chemotherapy) that I would dedicate my life, as a cancer research analyst and coach, to finding a far more effective cancer treatment that is far gentler, more humane with no horrendous side effects, and is a lot more affordable and accessible. At the time I obviously didn’t realize that I would be diagnosed with stage IV cancer many years later.
The most important thing I discovered in my initial research was that there is so much misinformation, politics, power, control, lies, greed and "profit over people", in the cancer disease business and the pharmaceutical industry which is a major contributor to the 26,000 cancer deaths every day. (Remember the question above ! )
This means, as I said above, it is absolutely essential for everyone with cancer to “Take control of your own health and wellness” and to specifically have a personalized comprehensive “Natural Cancer Healing Program”. This is the best chance of surviving this devastating disease and is definitely how I was healed from my advanced Stage IV cancer, with a prognosis of a few months, 3 years ago.
During my research I kept going down “rabbit holes” that took me to all sorts of other terrifying, unbelievable, unimaginable, inconceivable and unthinkable cancer related things, that I was totally unaware of. I am not one who believes in conspiracy theories, but after extensive research from trusted, credible sources, I am convinced that there are a few aristocratic families (13) that have unlimited wealth and power, monopolies and the ruthless control over the global financial, pharmaceutical and medical fraternity, among'st many other related industries, and ESPECIALLY the cancer industry.
Many of these things have huge detrimental and life threatening consequences for all of us.
So !! The PURPOSE of this comprehensive 45 post Series (over 2 months) is to cover every aspect of the "cancer disease business" and related industries and their effect and ruthless control over you and your family, especially your children, with the main purpose of making you aware of the consequences and how these will affect you.
This series covers "The GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY !!!"
Part of the GOOD news will introduce you to a highly effective natural, emerging cancer treatment out of the prestigious Boston College that has shown incredible promise over the last 10 years both in the labs and in human case studies. This cancer therapy builds on the exceptional work done by Dr Otto Warburg, the distinguished x x x x x x x x x x x x , that received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his work on finding the real cause of cancer. Because his work was totally against the dogma that cancer is a "genetic" disease and therefore there is no "cure", his work was belittled and called "quackery" for obvious reasons as it would destroy both the "cancer disease business" and the pharmaceutical industries highly profitable golden goose - chemotherapy and other toxic cancer prescription drugs.
I believe this therapy achieves my promise to my wife on her deathbed and which I know she would be very excited about.
I believe everybody should be made fully aware of everything I have covered in this series as you will NOT hear any of this information from the conventional healthcare practitioners or the medical fraternity – for obvious reasons you will find out in this series.
HOWEVER let me RE-EMPHASIZE that I am not asking anyone to believe what I am saying. Although I have endeavoured to only use trusted sources in my research, a lot might sound like conspiracy theories (after extensive research I don’t believe they are ! ) SO I suggest you look at the references and resources I have provided and do your own research.
Take Control !
No matter how much of this series you believe, the one thing I can assure you is true and absolutely critical to help you to survive this devastating disease, is for you to “Take Control of Your own Health and Wellness” and to develop a comprehensive “Natural Cancer Healing” Program. The last section of this series provides you with a simple to follow “step-by-step” guide on how to develop a comprehensive, personalised “Natural Cancer Healing Program” for yourself or a family member or friend. I will also be available to help you if you so wish?
You wont want to miss this ! (Register for notification of all posts)
To Register and to see the Index of all 45 posts, please follow this link on my website.
Thank you for taking the time to join me today. I hope that you will continue to follow the Posts that will be posted every few days. Take care and I wish you happiness, joy, love, caring and most of all “healing”.