Sunscreen and Tanning

sunscreen lotions

Sunscreen and Tanning Lotions


Millions of cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the USA, UK and Europe every year, so it is important that the sunscreen products that you use offer the maximum protection and don't contain hazardous chemicals. .

In an investigation done by the EWG into 952 sunscreen and tanning lotions, they found that 4 out of 5 have dangerous chemicals that pose health problems or don’t adequately protect skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays. Even some of the leading brands are the worst offenders.

Millions of cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the USA, UK and Europe every year, so it is important that the sunscreen products that you use offer the maximum protection.

What should you be looking for in your Sunscreen products ?

 There are four main criteria.

  • UVB protection based on the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) rating.
  • UVA protection
  • Remaining stable in sunlight and water conditions
  • Suspected health hazards

The EWG study found that 7% of SPF 30 or higher products only protect from sunburn (UVB radiation) and not from UVA radiation, the sun rays linked to skin damage and aging, immune system damage and skin cancer. 

They found that 48% of products have ingredients that break down in the sun, some within minutes, letting in UV radiation through the skin. 

Only 15% of the 952 products met all criteria for safety and effectiveness, blocking both UVA and UVB radiation, remaining stable in sunlight and containing few, if any ingredients with known or suspected health hazards.

Assessment – we suggest you go to the EWG site where you can establish which are the best and worst sunscreen products. 

Then you can make comparisons and choose safe products or look into using natural  “organic” sunscreen products.

Take care and be positive and grateful for everything in your life.

With love and caring. 




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