
Please read the introduction below and then select the topic that you are interested in:
- Take Control of Your Own Health and Wellness
- Modern Lifestyle Choices
- The Cause of ALL Chronic Disease
- Introduction to Toxic Enemies
- Toxic Genocide
- The "Toxic Killers"
- My Healing Programme - 7 essential topics
- Motivation - Affirmations
The way we live influences the way we die !
Awareness and Knowledge are your best chance of survival and I must emphasise that "Cancer is NOT a death sentence", which we are led to believe by most conventional doctors.
In this section I cover a wide range of topics that I discovered as part of the comprehensive research I did on Cancer over a 3 year period.
While doing the research I didn’t realise that I would be diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in a few years’ time, but now I am extremely grateful for the research I have done as this knowledge enabled me to make informed decisions about my cancer healing programme once I was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic Prostate cancer in 2016.
The 2 "Cancer Worlds".
Let me start by introducing you to the 2 very different "cancer worlds" I discovered, as this will be the most critical decision you will have to make once you get over the terrible shock of being given those dreaded words " I am sorry to tell you that you have Cancer".
Conventional Modern Medicine "Cancer World"
The conventional "cancer world" uses the "standard cancer treatment" of “surgery, radiation and chemotherapy” that all registered conventional doctors are forced to use or they will loose their licences. Most Cancer Associations around the world acknowledge that the standard cancer treatment that has been around since 1943 is only 3% to 6% effective in most cancers. Despite this the drug agencies in most countries fight all natural alternative therapies.
The natural alternative, complimentary, integrative cancer world on the other hand takes an holistic approach to the gentle healing of the body by focusing on the cause and not the symptom. (60% - 90% effective)
Fortunately I decided to use natural alternative treatments, which have enabled me to be quite successful on my healing journey. Although I still have a long way to go to be considered a survivor, I felt that I should share some of my knowledge and experience in the hope that other people can become more aware of the various successful treatment options available to them.
Please bear in mind every individual and every cancer is unique and there are no general treatments that apply to everyone, but I am hoping that most people will find the approach and the process I have taken worth researching further, based on their own situation.
Dr. Robert Atkins put it best when he said, “There is not one, but many cures for cancer available. But they are all being systematically suppressed by the ACS, the NCI and the major oncology centers. They have too much of an interest in the status quo.”
“In order to protect the profits of Big Pharma, any and all potentially successful alternative cancer therapy must be disbelieved, denied ,discouraged, and disallowed at all costs. They are prepared to do whatever it takes to suppress and censor all alternative cancer
treatments.” Ty Bollinger, in his book Cancer – Step Out of the Box.

Natural Alternative Integrated "Cancer World"
The natural alternative, complimentary, integrative "cancer world" takes an holistic approach to the gentle healing of the body by focusing on the cause and not the symptom. The treatment focuses on removing toxic waste from the body that caused the cancer with chiropractic and energy therapy supported by nutritious food, herbs, spices, supplements and superfoods. In addition the treatment concentrates on all aspects of a healthy "lifestyle", specifically a nutritious alkaline diet and addresses all forms of stress and any trauma experiences you may have had.
There are over 300 alternative cancer treatments for all different cancers and different stages of cancer. ( )
Although conventional cancer practitioners refer to all alternative treatment as "quackery" without any scientific substance, there is a huge amount of scientific evidence that some of the better treatments are between 60% and 90% effective.
Once I had discovered all of this information I decided to use natural alternative treatments, which have enabled me to be quite successful on my healing journey. Although I still have a long way to go to be considered a survivor, I felt that I should share some of my knowledge and experience in the hope that other people can become more aware of the various successful treatment options available to them.
Please bear in mind every individual and every cancer is unique and there are no general treatments that apply to everyone, but I am hoping that most people will find this alternative approach and the process I have taken worth researching further, based on their own situation.