“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” ~Thomas Edison
"Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food." ~ Hippocrates
Affiliate Disclosure (Federal Trade Commission requirement in the USA)
This web site and blog has been developed as Lifestyles facility with the primary objective of sharing knowledge and awareness about all aspects of cancer and cancer healing programs with my readers. I share the knowledge that I have discovered over 20 years doing research and through experiencing both my wife’s traumatic cancer episode and my own Stage 4 Cancer journey which took me into remission in 12 months.
The prime objective is to make people aware of all the different Cancer options that are available, to enable them to make informed decisions on all aspects of both conventional and alternative cancer options and healing program's.
Although my Blog is not financially driven, I am a pensioner living off very limited funds, supporting my own on-going cancer maintenance program, and therefore I do offer a comprehensive "Cancer Healing Coaching Program" as well as a global e-Mail premier “Cancer Buddy Service”. I also offer my Cancer e-book for sale and based on my Lifestyles concept and requests from my viewers I have created 2 Lifestyle shopping Malls. The Green Organic Market Portal and the Global Market Place offer a wide range of Affiliate products.
In response to viewers requests I have entered into Affiliate agreements with some selected reputable suppliers of high quality effective "Lifestyle" products, mainly all natural, non-toxic products with available scientifically proven research and reviews of products that I personally use and know work for me.
This enables my viewers, if they so choose, to order these products directly online from these suppliers from a "one-stop-shop".
For every Affiliate product sale I receive a very small commission which supplements my pension and enables me to continue providing content, information and a range of high quality products.
Mandatory Declaration.
In the USA the Federal Trade Commission requires people receiving commission remuneration from products through an affiliate to have an Affiliate Declaration.
Please support me by buying my Coaching Program or any of these proven high quality Affiliate products and I will be eternally grateful to you.
Take care, be positive, happy, aware and grateful.
With love and caring,