For a Limited Period Only - Get FREE Access to: A Comprehensive Introduction to the "Metabolic Approach" to managing, controlling and healing cancer.
This unique information packed e-Book is the culmination of 15 years of extensive research into all aspects of cancer, including my own personal stage 4 metastasized cancer healing journey, as well as the experience i have gained as a "metabolic cancer healing lifestyle" Coach and Mentor !
It introduces the "Metabolic Approach" to managing, controlling and healing cancer using the successful "Ketogenic Metabolic Lifestyle" and the "Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies" developed by Dr Thomas Seyfried, the worlds leading cancer researcher with over 30 years experience.
You will discover scientific, evidence based information about cancer that you will not hear from your conventional doctor or oncologist.
This will include:
- What is cancer ?
- What causes cancer ?
- Understanding the 2 very different cancer worlds !
- How we get cancer ?
- How the body heals ?
- How can you take control of your cancer healing journey ?
- How can you develop a personalized cancer healing lifestyle plan and schedule ?
- How do you select your ideal cancer support team ?
- How do you select the most effective cancer healing therapies ?
- Being aware of the best anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune system boosting foods, phytonutrients and bio-active healing compounds !
- Being aware of the best anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune system boosting supplements !
- How do you establish a progress monitoring and testing system ?
- How do you live a "cancer-free" lifestyle ?
Do NOT miss this exclusive opportunity to find out how to manage, control and heal this devastating disease !
Best wishes and I hope your days are filled with happiness, healing, good health, gratitude, love and caring.